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General Discussion[Off topic] Interesting paper

[Off topic] Interesting paper in General Discussion
Quick maffs

    So white/asian with high income are the ones who claims a biracial identity more than others ?


      "Since the decriminalization of interracial marriage in 1967"



        Not that interesting. Maybe if you are from the US? Idk.

        King of Low Prio

          this is also seen in the Canada, UK and the Caribbean ( I have lived in all 3 and done research into all three zones). While most of the data in this article comes from the US it is not purely a US issue

          ICE SKULL

            i'll bite the apple

            you don't know where your identity truly belongs if you're biracial and you suffer from identity crisis, you don't know where you belong and both groups don't welcome you as their own.

            thats why you probably did "research", aka identity crisis. there will never be anything called "biracial identity". the closest thing you can get is mestizo but they'll probably see you as a faggot for doing "research" about your own insecurity

            peace out brah get rekt research wont get you an identity

            I'm 14k mmr let me mid

              I?M CRYING


                Seems interesting. I cant read it cuz im on mobile but it looks like an article about people born as a mixed race and dont identify with one or the other. Biracial identity has always been a thing though, right?

                King of Low Prio

                  no.......I did research because I am in Sociology........I found it interesting because it related to me. Try again wave- kun

                  King of Low Prio


                    well yea it as always been a thing but just like Pluto has always been Pluto, our perception of it changes over time

                    Quick maffs

                      hehehhehehehehe u r so funny wave heheheheheheheheheheh


                        Read this earlier and found the usual wave Eurotrash comment distasteful as usual.

                        @ Wave:


                        Please have a good retort on this comment. Most Europeans have the highest amount of Neanderthal DNA after a human Genome project was done. Every other race has less than that. How does it feel to less human than everyone else yet you dish out the hate? Read a book you spineless dickwad. You're a waste of space. I'm sure your mom is writing her government to have a 90th trimester abortion at the poor age of 22.5. Go dodge some more games.

                        @ Sampson...


                        This reminds me of this movie domino I watched a long time ago:


                        She calls out the person on the show and calls her (CHINEGRO) All on a fake Jerry springer show on the movie. If you missed the movie you missed out... action packed and funny.

                        Yes it's a complicated issue. Should governments recognize sub categories of peoples race? Having family cousins, sisters, etc marrying people of other races, and those people being either part black, part Chinese, etc. I've asked them before "what do you consider yourself as a race" The answer is typically what they look like more than anything it seems in my small collection of family to ask of, or the community they had a bigger part of in their life. They don't say they're half and half or 1/4th this or that.

                        I look white, but I'm 1/4th Native american, 1/4th Brittish, 1/4th German, 1/4th Spanish. I could've went to native american schools for free if I wanted to, but looking white, I would not be accepted in their culture. Wanted to go to Haskel University in Lawrence but the staff warned me there not to do it. Same went with my friend John in highschool. He was 1/2 Native american, but mostly looked white.

                        Either way good luck with your paper Sampson much love as always.

                        King of Low Prio

                          yea my mom (1/2) and younger brother (1/4) look completely white while me and my older brother look black

                          Low Expectations

                            ^^Are you saying Neanderthals are not human? Because if you do I advise you to read up on the topic




                              We share some of the same DNA except about 3% but are not human. Maybe you should read that...

                              ho hum heres another source...

                              homo neanderthalis
                              Web definitions
                              The Neanderthals or Neandertals are an extinct species or subspecies of the genus Homo. They are closely related to modern humans. They are known from fossils, dating from the Pleistocene period, which have been found in Europe and parts of western and central Asia. ...

                              god damn quit being dumb.

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                              Low Expectations

                                Homosapiens share 99,82% DNA with neanthetals. 97% with Orangutangs I belive (99,6 with chimps for sure) and neanthetals are a subspecies of humans as are homosapiens.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                Low Expectations

                                  On topic though I think an interesting topic would be asking whom children of mixed couples (diffrent nationalities of the parents) identify themselves as.


                                    lol at this retard saying "how does it feel to be less human than everyone else" while being 3/4 european, just lol


                                      Ok mr. Caveman. You can return to your cave now :)

                                      ICE SKULL

                                        "how does it feel to be less human than everyone else"
                                        LOL a lot of stupid things ive read today but this one is the best


                                          Didn't say I wasn't a caveman hence the name. Everyone should just take a hard look at themselves before insulting people is all I was getting at, since I wasn't the one antagonizing.

                                          Anywhoo typical mating ritual picture of most posters moms dragging me off to make more of you guys. Please boost more accounts so we can keep changing cave baby diapers you guys need to work too. Get to work you little cave monkeys:

                                          ICE SKULL

                                            how are u 30+ and insulting moms over the internet

                                            ive seen ur irl pic but i think ur a troll acc