General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do people buy MMR boosts?

Why do people buy MMR boosts? in General Discussion

    Two reasons make it so not worth it.

    1) 90% of the time, you'll fall back down. (10% because some people really do play better in more competitive environments)
    2) Look at the blood fucking price! People are charging you like what over a hundred dollars for a boost of 400-500 MMR?!



    Jay Ashborne

      People are stupid, but hey if you fall low enough you can just repeat the process right?

      Boost account - Feed because you don't belong in that MMR - Lose MMR - Reboost account.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        Whenever I see a case of someone buying a MMR boost, it reminds me of that South Park episode when Cartman bought pubic hair.


          Because they are 1337 pr0 p14y3r5 and it's just scrubs like you that are keeping them from their dream of demolishing Dendi mid every game.



            Because they have too much money?