General Discussion

General Discussion@Dangdang

@Dangdang in General Discussion
Jay Ashborne

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    6:05 PM - Melody-San | Sup
    6:06 PM - dangdang: masturbating
    6:06 PM - dangdang: and checking your rating
    6:06 PM - dangdang is now Offline.

    Wat. Lol, if you wanted to know my mmr, just ask next time. No need to be shady, I'm not hiding from anyone.

    I'm three K scum.(Honestly lower, I get carried every game.) AH HA SUPPORT JOKE

    King of Low Prio

      3k scum carried by sampson

      King of Low Prio

        35% winrate




            0:39 - Melody-San | DotaBuff.Com: I like
            0:39 - Melody-San | DotaBuff.Com: to suck
            0:39 - Melody-San | DotaBuff.Com: huge cocks you know?

            Jay Ashborne

              lol its because we havent played in weeks and we lost our last games


                why are you surprised by dangdang? hes about as retarded as it gets (excluding actual retards like bogi)


                  Fuzzy noob what are you going to exploit next, hehe


                    Rapid one arm pullups and looking at melody's MMR. This dangdang needs more hands man.

                    I wonder if he looks like this after all that sheet meat he cooked:

                    Jay Ashborne

                      I unno, I'm just try to be somewhat kindhearted to everyone. I thought he was needing like help with Dotabuff or Guild access or something. I kind of have to expose myself to this sort of stuff and it happens more than you think but I normally don't recognize names. However this instance was different.

                      It's not really a big deal or anything because I like being able to advertise for DB and be like yo, this website shuts all other websites out of the water, and here's why. Then I talk up the community, 5k players writing guides, most players are very respectful etc. I unno, Melody is just having a bad day hahaha.

                      King of Low Prio

                        want a tissue?

                        Jay Ashborne

                          Want a Mirana Lesson?


                            Want a coach to reach 4k scrubs?

                            King of Low Prio

                              I almost got 4k once, it was horrible