General Discussion

General DiscussionReavalueantion of my last fourm.What is my best role?

Reavalueantion of my last fourm.What is my best role? in General Discussion


    1. Just pick any game that you want me to review
    2. Any game where you don't play as hard carry.
    3. Copy the match id and post it here. The review will done in saturday


      Um ok but like wat games do u want to review or do i just pick random ones afk going to school

      Franck D Tank

        2 ignore the assholes/trolls


          Alright guys i thibk i have pin pointed the role i may be best at at this current time...offlaner why u ask? Here is a list
          1.Im good at tank heros(offlaners require a escape or tanking ability
          2. 1. Also goes with the safe heros things
          3. Im generally good with the offlane heros
          4. I can kill heros
          5. Dosemt require to good of a gpm
          6. Can be ultility
          7. Can kinda support
          8. Versitile
          So wat u guys thibk at this point its kinda offlaner vs.semi-carry so post wat u think

          King of Low Prio

            Offlane players have to be better at last hitting that safelane players because you have to take as many as you can get and you have to make each one count


              ^ that makes no sense AT ALL
              offlaners don't have to last hit, they have to level up and try not to die
              if you're last hitting easily then the safelane isn't going well for the other team


                So i have thecompletety wrong idea?


                  I thought offlaner is just soak up xp best as possible

                  King of Low Prio

                    Sano you missed the point completely in the safe lane you have the creep wave given to you which makes last hitting extremely easy. In the offlane (I am just throwing out a random number) you have access to 1 creep out of 2 waves and you have to know which one you can take safely AND get it.


                      Ok....1 creep every 2 waves is very low gpm at least the way ur explaining it

                      King of Low Prio

                        depends what you consider low. On a winnning game as a offlaner you should have like 400+ GPM (much higher on heroes like BH because track makes roaming alot more beneficial)


                          Well yeah i can get that i average at about 400 gpm so wats wrong with the offlaner why u sayinf i got the wrong idea?


                            Well regardles anyone else wanna coment?

                            King of Low Prio

                              Well I was just point on one thing but as most people in this thread told you already you should not be picking a role with little experience, just play and get better. I will give you a example I have been playing dota for about a decade and have played all of the heroes for a long time which gives me insight on how to play in the offlane role. The best way to fight against a hero is to play that hero and learn where it's weakest points are. For example my favorite hero to offlane is BH I know which abilities I can shadow walk to dodge (gyro missile), common sentry spots, which camps junglers want to priorities, range of other heroes spells etc. Even after I found a role I am most comfortable with I still play the roles I suck at just to get more insight on changes and new meta


                                It makes sense so play a role u like eveb if u may suck at it and get better? Is that wat ur getting at?

                                King of Low Prio

                                  An example is one game I played as furion and I had a insanely skilled BH player just stomp me to the curb on every level and I used exactly what he did to me against another furion and It turned out really well :P


                                    Nice but my question is that wat u mean? I usually do that with strats my old team (which btw the captain and another member should have been the ones kicked the captain has a 46% winrate,the other team member had a 44% i have 49% almost 50%) anyway we were playinf against a really good pusher srat and i was like lets do that...of course no one wanted to do it but u get my point

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      learn the basics from pubs or organize lobby games with people of similar skill to test out new things. The top players test out tons of new things but they dont test them out in the finals :P

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        Yeah well unforchantly thats the same thing that happened with the team i go hey lets test out my pusher ss and for some f***ed up reason we do a team match the idea was not a good one and i get kicked multiple times i was like lets just do reg cap mode to practice and they just say no and do team mode if u notice in my recent games i was winning alot...til i joined the team and if u notice i have a bunch of losses in a row


                                          Thank u for the help so far everyoobe btw if u want to friend me go ahead

                                          King of Low Prio


                                            In pubs it is best not to think just because you won you are doing things correctly. I am awful with veno (I play him because I like being a hydralisk lol). In pub games sometimes the other team is just so bad that your mistakes are not taken advantage of. Also captains mode really isnt for inexperienced players the drafts are a waste of time(they dont know how to do it).


                                              Well yeah but personally i think im a good captain at picking and things like that maybe im wrong but yeah


                                                And lol i suck with veno he is fun but i cant play him well

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  you can add me but be warned I tell things how it is(I dont nerd rage but I will tell you pulling the creep wave while they are pushing the tower is retarded) and that personality trait doesnt mix well with some of the sheltered kids who play this game


                                                    Theres people who pull when the other team is pushing?


                                                      Thats probely one of the sillest things iv ever heard

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        yes and I got the response "STFU I have played over 2k games I know what I am doing"


                                                          Anyway yeah i will friend u later if u wanted to u could also possibly just watch how i play and see wat roles i accel at


                                                            Lol iv seriously have never seen someone do that before

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              It was in low priority que so I should have kind of expected it......


                                                                Oh lol anyone else wanna respond to my question?


                                                                  Sampson i will be able to play in a hour or two




                                                                      ok, i review your last wr game. I just say it straightforwardly.

                                                                      1. Sometimes you don't lasthit when nobody is around. You just walking around doing nothing (on early game)
                                                                      2. Manage your mana. Spamming lvl 1 power shot is not really efficient. It's more efficient if you spam on lvl 2+. And many times it don't hit the darkseer, just creep. Don't spam your mana til you are out of mana, someone may gank you and you have no mana to use 3rd skill to escape.
                                                                      3. On laning phase you can harras enemy with attacks, not only powershot.
                                                                      3. Why don't u level up shackle early? It's one of the best skill in dota
                                                                      5. You can stop the channeling of powershot when it's 3/4 bar full. It's damage is quite the same to full cast.
                                                                      6. Your last hitting is not perfect, often you waste free gold when you are free farming.
                                                                      7. It seems you still can't see what's happening when team fight. You just panic and run away, in fact you can help hitting enemy. Because of that your hero damage constributin is only 5,3k damage. really low.
                                                                      7. You have never buy TP.
                                                                      8. You can double click forcestaff to cast it to yourself. Activate the setting in the option -> game tab

                                                                      Sometimes, The way you use your camera is still not good. In nut shell, you don't see your enemy
                                                                      x x x x x


                                                                      == is your camera
                                                                      xxx is your enemy
                                                                      WR is your hero.

                                                                      ideally the camera is like this





                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                        Yea alot of new players make really poor choices with heroes that have good escape mechanisms. They panic and run sometimes killing their own teammates and while their own KDA might not look as bad they cause more problems that they help. An example of this is alot of the time a BH player will panic and run when they see someone attack them and then when their teammate comes to support they just chill invis(It pains me to play with BH players in pubs because they are soooooo bad at it ><)

                                                                        Quick maffs

                                                                          Its even posible to win while playing venomancer ? Everytime i play this hero i think i am a powerful slug, 3 seconds later i die.


                                                                            Yeah not my. Best wr match as for the camera ik its weird i need to change hot keys to be more effienet but my camera is mouse and wasd btw in a few mins im going to put a link to my best matchs with each role


                                                                              Hard carry-Faceless Void-
                                                                              Hard support-Venge-
                                                                              Note these might not be my best hero for each role but there good examples plz review and tell me how u think i do with each role thanks


                                                                                Jakiro is hard support. at least in that game when no other support.
                                                                                Have lots space for improvement on gpm. your hard carry gpm is just a little above your Jakiro gpm
                                                                                nice weaver. stats wise. also need more gpm

                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                  It is really hard to comment on those games because your opponents had no idea what they where doing..........


                                                                                    Oh wait did u watch them?


                                                                                      Btw wats up with dota u cant find any matchs


                                                                                        I guess no one watch :(

                                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                                          its 5 matches, aint nobody got time for that :P


                                                                                            Well yeah but peeps wanting me to put this stuff up and now here it is plus if u want to u can just look at the pages not watcg it


                                                                                              Well i guess i cant drive this fourm onward i guess i will have to find the anwser another way


                                                                                                Don't post the old replay. It's unavailable.
                                                                                                I'm not interested to watch if it's a stomping game, it's quite obvious that the enemy skill << your team skill
                                                                                                I only want balanced game.